We Want To Target
The Following Problems
We, as South Africans, are chained. We live with the daily fear of becoming victims of crime. We lock ourselves up in our own homes – like criminals, we live behind bars and safety gates; while the criminals walk around outside free!!! Break those chains!!!
We believe that unemployment is the source of all other problems in South Africa. It causes moral and social decay. In many crime cases the perpetrators are unemployed. This is the reason why our economy can not grow to its full potential. Foreign investors are careful to invest in a country where crime is rife and people are murdered on a daily basis. Unemployment can also lead to drug abuse. If a person feels useless and hopeless he/she will try to find ways to deal with those feelings of unworthiness.
Our ancient ancestors believed that the land is not ours to own. That it is there for us to live from. We believe that every person should share in the wealth / resources of our land. The au charter states that all people have the right to existence. The New SA Party wants to add this: all people have the right to a decent house and food to eat every day!
6 million people in South Africa are unemployed. A few hundred years ago these people could provide for themselves and families on a piece of land – where can they do it now? Many of them revert to theft in order to put food on the table. They get labelled as criminals and are incarcerated.
The South African child grant might encourage poor people to have more children. We do not have proof that people have children because of the child grant. But we do know for a fact that the only way the SA government help poor people is with the child grant: one grant per child. For poor unemployed men there is nothing! The men are forced into the role of children. They have to wait at home for the mothers and children to bring food- from the grant money -for the table. These men – who’s supposed to be bread winners- are stripped of all dignity- and then we wonder why there is so much gender violence? We still wonder why???
Land reform for the purpose of farming is of utmost importance. But: there is an even bigger problem that needs to be addressed first and foremost: 4 million people in South Africa still live in shacks or backyard dwellings! Our first priority should be to provide a house to every citizen because everyone deserves to live a decent life!